Sunday, 12 July 2009

Little Karang Gunies! 11 July 09!

We collected alot alot alot alot of recyclable materials!
But i tink my team (Azida, Arica, me) collected the most! Honestly! We need other groups to help us carry back the recycables!

Went door to door, some household are nice, some okay, some are crazy. HAHA, the crazy man
The last household we went, is the most, they gave us alot alot alot! We needa pack them into 3 full bags and the trolley need 3 people to pull it back. The people are so nice, they gave arica, azida and I free coke! Yay :)

Fun day lah, but v dirty. Took group shot and left. Photo's wif Dorea:) Thanks Facebook!

Went bugis wif sarah afterwards, sarah's the one buying, i bought nothing hahha :D
Chatted about alot of stuff, thanks girl. :D

If you people think by doing all these keeps your life entertained, go ahead, cos it doesn't affect my life. cos me = 麻木 against you all.

Left wif alot of homework now.

Question : Canoe or Kanoe?
i saw a group of boys , the back of their shirt rote " Kanoe "
But it's canoe rite?

Canon EOS 500D! Damn ex! :( $1200+